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On-cloud digital lab management

This documentation page provides a comprehensive guide for managing your on-cloud digital lab. Whether you need to grant access to other space members, connect projects, or update your bricks, this page offers step-by-step tutorials and spotlight videos to assist you. Additionally, it covers starting and stopping your lab and configuring green computing options.

Lab management dashboard

From the Constellab dashboard, choose your on-cloud digital lab and click on the button "details" to reach the lab management dashboard. It opens the lab management dashboard that contains two pages: the lab dashboard page and the lab configuration page.

On the lab dashboard page (cf. image bellow), you can view various elements about your on-cloud digital lab, starting with digital lab information with the name of your lab, the URL, the region, etc.. Additionally, you can access information about the server. It is also possible to handle the lab's users and connect your digital projects to this lab.

To configure your on-cloud digital lab, you need to access to the lab configuration page (cf. image bellow). On the top of this page, you will find an overview of your lab's status (running, stopped, in maintenance). You can start your lab and stop the lab server from this page. You can also update your lab bricks and configure green computing options.

How to manage users of your on-cloud digital lab?

To add a new user or change a user's role in the lab, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the lab dashboard page.
    1. In the Lab's users section, click on the + button located in the top-right corner.
      1. Choose a user from your space.
        1. Select the desired role for this user.
          1. Confirm your selection. The user will then have the ability to log in to the digital lab.
            1. If you need to modify the status of a user, follow these steps: Click on the menu button next to the user you want to modify.
              1. From the menu options, you can modify the user's role or remove them from the lab.

                How to connect projects to a digital lab?

                To connect a project to a digital lab, follow these steps:

                1. Go to the lab dashboard page.
                  1. In the Lab's project section, click on the + button located in the top-right corner.
                    1. Choose a project from the list of projects that you can access.
                      1. Confirm your selection. The project will now be available in the lab, allowing you to attach experiments and reports to it.
                        1. If you need to remove a project from a lab, follow these steps: Click on the menu button next to the project you want to delete.
                          1. From the menu options, select the option to remove the project from the lab. Please note that if there are associated experiments or reports with the project, it cannot be removed. The project will still be available in your space.

                            Forcing lab's projects synchronization

                            When projects are modified in the space, it's possible that the lab may not reflect the updates. To ensure synchronization between the space and the lab, follow these steps:

                            1. Open the monitoring dashboard page.
                              1. Click on the "Synchronize lab" option.
                                1. Leave the "Synchronize projects" checkbox selected.
                                  1. Validate the changes. This will force the synchronization of the lab project, ensuring that it is up to date with any modifications made in the space.

                                    Start and stop your on-cloud digital lab

                                    You can access to your digital lab directly from the Constellab dashboard. If the button Go to lab is grey, it means that your lab is off. To start you lab, click on the button details to open the lab dashboard page . You can check the status of your lab on the top-right corner of this page.

                                    To launch the lab, click on the green button Start. The status of you lab will change to Started. You should wait few seconds to a couple of minutes and when the status is Running, you lab is ready to use.

                                    To stop the lab, open the lab dashboard page and click on the button Stop. This will stop the server and the lab, and if your on-cloud lab is billed hourly, the billing will stop.

                                    Restart your lab application

                                    To restart (or start) you lab application when the lab server is up, open the lab configuration page and under Lab manager section, click on Restart lab (or Initialize lab).

                                    The lab's status should refresh automatically. If it doesn't, you can use the Refresh status button at the top of the page to force a refresh.

                                    Once your lab is up and running, you can log in and navigate to the Monitoring page (go to Settings > Monitoring) to verify if all the bricks have been loaded correctly and if their versions are accurate.

                                    Start lab server

                                    If your lab is marked as Stopped, it indicates that the server is not currently running. To get started, you will need to start the server first and then initiate the lab application to begin your work.

                                    On the lab configuration page, locate the Server section and click on the Start option to start the server.

                                    The lab status will change to Server starting, indicating that the server is being initialized. Please wait for the server to be ready before starting the lab application. The lab status should refresh automatically, but if it doesn't, you can use the Refresh status option at the top of the page to force a refresh.

                                    Once the server is ready, the status will change to Server started. This means that the server is up and running, but the lab application itself is not yet running. To start the lab application, go to the Lab Manager and click on Initialize Lab (refer to the Restart your lab application section for more detailed instructions).

                                    Stop lab server

                                    To stop the lab server, open the lab config page, under Server section click on Stop. This will stop the server and if the lab is billed hourly, the billing will stop.

                                    Update your lab bricks

                                    In the Lab manager > Lab config section you can update your lab configuration:

                                    To add a new brick, simply click on the Add brick button. the select brick and version you want.

                                    Alternatively, you can use the Edit button on a brick to modify its version. It is advisable to use a higher version and only revert to an older version when you are certain about the implications.

                                    Once you have made the necessary changes, click on Save.

                                    Afterward, you will need to restart your lab. Please refer to the Restart your lab application section for detailed instructions.

                                    To verify the brick version of your lab, log in to your lab, click on the Settings button, and then navigate to the Monitoring page.

                                    Update lab manager

                                    It is possible you Lab manager is not up to date. If this is the case, you will have a warning in the Lab manager section :

                                    If you have this warning, you can update the Lab manager by clicking on Update lab manager button. Select the recommended version (here 1.3.0) and press Save. This will take a few minutes, and once the Lab manager has been updated, it is recommended to restart the lab application to apply the latest configurations. You can also update your lab bricks and then restart your lab.

                                    How to configure green computing options ?

                                    Green computing options provide the ability to automatically stop your lab, reducing costs and environmental impact on the lab server. It is recommended to set up green computing options for labs managed on an hourly basis.

                                    To configure green computing options, follow these steps:

                                    1. Open the lab configuration page.
                                      1. In the Green computing options section, click on the + button located in the top-right corner.
                                        1. Select the desired type of option from the available choices:
                                          1. Stop the lab after experiment: The lab will be stopped once there are no running experiments and no experiments in the queue. This option can be useful when a long experiment is running, and it saves the results externally, such as in an S3 bucket.
                                            1. Stop lab after backup: The lab will be stopped once there are no running backups.
                                              1. Stop lab after a specific time: The lab will be stopped after a specific time based on your timezone.
                                                1. Stop lab after inactivity time: The lab will be stopped after a specific period of inactivity.
                                                2. Fill in the value based on the option you selected (optional).
                                                  1. Select the persistence:
                                                    1. Persistent: The option will remain active after its execution.
                                                      1. Not persistent: The option will be deleted after its execution (executed only once).
                                                      2. Save the option.

                                                        If you need to modify or delete an option, follow these steps:

                                                        1. Click on the menu button next to the option you want to modify.
                                                          1. From the menu options, you can modify or delete the option as needed.