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Protocol template

How to create a protocol template ?

A protocol template allows you to create a protocol (predefined series of connected and configured processes) that can be reused in the future. By using a protocol template, you can easily set up a new preconfigured experiment, ensuring consistency. Additionally, the protocol template can be shared with other labs, included in lab reports, or documented within a community.

Currently, the protocol template can only be created from an existing experiment. Here's how to do it:

  1. Open the desired experiment.
    1. Click on the menu button.
      1. Select Protocol and then choose Create protocol template.
        1. Give the template a name and provide a description if desired (the description will be automatically copied to experiments created from this template).

          How to create an experiment from a digital protocol template ?

          To create an experiment from a digital protocol template, please follow these steps:

          1. On the experiment page, locate and click on the + button.
            1. Choose a name for your new experiment.
              1. Select the protocol template :
                1. You can search for a template using the search bar button. Clicking on the search bar button opens advanced search options.
                  1. Alternatively, you can import a protocol template file.
                  2. Save your selections.
                    1. This will create a new experiment with all the pre-configured tasks from the chosen template.