
Analyse your data with interactive dashboards using Streamlit!


Streamlit is a widely-used Python package that enables rapid development of data applications. It is renowned for its simplicity and efficiency, making it an ideal tool for creating interactive dashboards and visualizations.

In this use case, we aim to showcase how Constellab can simplify the process of creating a Streamlit dashboard. With Constellab, you can seamlessly integrate any online tutorial or easily code your own dashboard using your data. This flexibility allows you to quickly develop custom solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Drawing inspiration from a code published on GitHub, we will demonstrate the creation of a Streamlit application designed to analyze DNA sequences. The app will count and visualize the occurrences of nucleotide sequences, providing an intuitive interface for exploring genomic data.

Steps to follow

  1. Add a process Streamlit live task in your experiment
    1. Copy and paste the following code into your task
      1. Run your experiment and get the Streamlit App!
        1. Now you can change the input order directly in the Streamlit app and get personalised results!

          ## Import Libraries ##
          import pandas as pd
          import streamlit as st
          import altair as alt
          from PIL import Image
          ## Page Title ##
          # DNA Nucleotide Count Web App
          This app counts the nucleotide composition of query DNA!
          ## Input Text Box##
          st.header('Enter DNA sequence')
          sequence = st.text_area("Sequence input",sequence_input,height = 250)
          sequence = sequence.splitlines()
          sequence = sequence[1:]
          sequence = ''.join(sequence)
          # Prints the input DNA sequence
          st.header('INPUT (DNA Query)')
          st.header('OUTOUT (DNA Nucleotide Count)')
          # 1. Print Dictionary
          st.subheader('1. Print Dictionary')
          def DNA_Nucleotide_count(seq):
              d = dict([
              return d
          X = DNA_Nucleotide_count(sequence)
          # 2. Print text
          st.subheader('2. Print Text')
          st.write('There are ' + str(X['A']) + ' adenine (A)')
          st.write('There are ' + str(X['T']) + ' thymine (T)')
          st.write('There are ' + str(X['G']) + ' guanine (G)')
          st.write('There are ' + str(X['C']) + ' cytosine (C)')
          # 3. Display Dataframe
          st.subheader('3. Display DataFrame')
          df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(X, orient='index')
          df = df.rename({0:'count'}, axis = 'columns')
          df.reset_index(inplace = True)
          df = df.rename(columns = {'index':'nucleotide'})
          # 4. Display Graph
          st.subheader('4. Display Bar Chart')
          p = alt.Chart(df).mark_bar().encode(
          x = 'nucleotide',
          y = 'count'
          p = p.properties(
              width = alt.Step(80)


          After running the pipeline, we get a Streamlit app, which is an interactive dashboard where you can modify the DNA sequence, fly over graphs... 


          In conclusion, the pipeline outlined in this work demonstrates the creation of Streamlit apps, allowing for the seamless development of interactive dashboards. This capability facilitates efficient exploration and analysis of results, significantly enhancing your ability to derive insights and make data-driven decisions.