The ability to organize documents effectively is essential for efficient data management and collaboration. One of the most powerful ways to do this is by using key-value tags. These tags assign specific attributes to documents, making them easy to categorize, search, and retrieve.
Let’s explore how you can use key-value tags to organize documents in various areas of your work using Constellab
1. Human Resources (RH) – Managing people & contracts
Human Resources documents can be efficiently organized using key-value tags. By tagging documents with both the type of document and the associated employee or year, you ensure that files are easy to locate and manage.
Best Practices for RH Key-Value Tags:
- Use the document type as the key (e.g.,
), and the document’s category as the value (e.g.,Contract
). - Include employee names as values for documents related to specific individuals.
- Incorporate years for version control and tracking.
Suggested Key-Value Tags:
Document_Type: Contract
Document_Type: Payroll
Document_Type: Benefits
Employee_Name: Djomangan Adama OUATTARA
Year: 2023
2. Research & Development (R&D) – Organizing scientific knowledge
For R&D documents, it’s important to track the type of publication, project status, and document types such as reports and publications. Using key-value tags can make it easy to navigate through this extensive data.
Best Practices for R&D Key-Value Tags:
- Use the type of document as the key (e.g.,
Document_Type: Publication
), and assign specific values (e.g.,Article
). - Add project or publication titles as values (e.g.,
Project: StudyA
). - Include years for tracking the publication or project timeline.
Suggested Key-Value Tags:
Document_Type: Article
Publication_Type: Journal
Year: 2023
Project: R&D StudyA
Document_Type: Report
3. Executive & Governance (Direction) – Legal & decision-making
Executive and governance-related documents include meeting minutes, legal documents, and company strategies. Key-value tags ensure that these documents are organized by document type, company name, and legal or organizational importance.
Best Practices for Direction Key-Value Tags:
- Tag by document type (e.g.,
Document_Type: AGM Minutes
). - Include company names (e.g.,
Company: Gencovery
) for relevant governance documents. - Use legal categories such as compliance and obligations (e.g.,
Legal_Obligation: GDPR
Suggested Key-Value Tags:
Document_Type: AGM Minutes
Company: Gencovery
Legal_Obligation: GDPR
Document_Type: Company Statutes
Year: 2023
4. Finance – Keeping Accounts & Transactions in order
For finance-related documents, you need to track accounting records, tax filings, and banking documents. Key-value tags ensure that documents are categorized by financial type, fiscal year, and specific accounts.
Best Practices for Finance Key-Value Tags:
- Categorize documents using financial type (e.g.,
Document_Type: BalanceSheet
). - Include year and fiscal period to distinguish between multiple years and accounting periods.
- Use project names when relevant for specific financial documents (e.g.,
Project: R&D
Suggested Key-Value Tags:
Document_Type: BalanceSheet
Year: 2023
Fiscal_Period: Q1
Document_Type: Tax Filing
Project: Finance Audit
5. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) – Tracking clients & sales
CRM documents such as contracts, invoices, and proposals can be effectively organized with key-value tags, ensuring quick access to client and sales-related information.
Best Practices for CRM Key-Value Tags:
- Use document type as the key (e.g.,
Document_Type: Invoice
). - Include client names or prospect names (e.g.,
Client: XYZ Corp
). - Add sales status (e.g.,
Sales_Status: Closed
Suggested Key-Value Tags:
Document_Type: Invoice
Client: XYZ Corp
Sales_Status: Closed
Year: 2024
Document_Type: Proposal
6. IT & Administration – Security & Infrastructure
Administrative IT documents need to be organized by document type, software licenses, and security policies. Key-value tags help categorize these documents for efficient management.
Best Practices for IT & Admin Key-Value Tags:
- Use document type (e.g.,
Document_Type: License Agreement
). - Include software names or security topics (e.g.,
Software: Office 365
). - Add security levels or compliance standards (e.g.,
Compliance: GDPR
Suggested Key-Value Tags:
Document_Type: License Agreement
Software: Office 365
Compliance: GDPR
Document_Type: Confidentiality Agreement
Year: 2023
7. Training & Learning – Structuring knowledge
Training documents such as manuals, test results, and learning programs can be tagged with key-value pairs to make it easier for employees to access relevant learning resources.
Best Practices for Training Key-Value Tags:
- Categorize by document type (e.g.,
Document_Type: Training Manual
). - Use learning objectives or skill areas (e.g.,
Skill: Compliance
). - Track training participation by employee name (e.g.,
Employee_Name: John Doe
Suggested Key-Value Tags:
Document_Type: Training Manual
Skill: Compliance
Employee_Name: John Doe
Document_Type: Workshop
Year: 2024
Conclusion: Powering up with key-value tags
Key-value tags provide a structured and scalable approach to managing documents in Constellab. By assigning clear attributes (keys) and specific details (values) to your documents, you create a powerful organizational system that allows for easy access and efficient data management.
Key takeaways:
✅ Be consistent with tag structure: use key-value pairs for clarity.
✅ Use document type as the key to identify the content type.
✅ Include relevant attributes like year, client names, or project details as values.
✅ Regularly update and review tags for relevance and accuracy.
Start tagging smarter today with Constellab, and watch your documents become more organized and accessible than ever before! 🌟
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