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Introduction Version

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Short description

OmiX is a suite of tools to perform classic omics data analysis.

How that works?

The OmiX brick allows for a wide variety of bioinformatics analysis, including:

  • Sequence alignment against gene, protein and genome databases
    • Mapping of sequencing data against genomic and gene sequences
      • Gene expression assessment
        • Genome annotation
          • Sequence assembly
            • Variant detection

              Applications and benefits
              • Genes alignement against open databases (uniprot, ensembl, NCBI...)
                • Analysing genes expression across samples
                  • Genome annotation
                    • Genes motifs discovery (enzymes assessment... )
                      • Variant calling (SNP, InDels, Structural variations...)
                        • ...

                          Input data
                          • Sequences (genes, proteins, sequences, sequencing datasets (genomic, transcriptomique) required

                            • Variable analysis time depending on the size of the data, the type of analysis and the specification of the machine used to analyse the data

                              • Gencovery team support (assembly, clustering, analysis)
                                • Gencovery ecosystem support (we make the connection with the right expert)

                                  Intellectual property
                                  • You keep IP on your proprietary data, and any related models or insights generated in Constellab™.
                                    • You keep IP on your custom pipelines, know-how, and bricks created in Constellab™.