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AbstractDbManager AgentFactory AudioView AuthService BadRequestException BarPlotView Base BaseEnvShell BaseHTTPException BaseModelDTO BaseTestCase BaseTestCaseLight BashCodeParam BoolParam BoolRField BoolValidator BoxPlotView BrickMigration BrickService CheckBeforeTaskResult CommunityService Compress CondaShellProxy Config ConfigParams Connector ConnectorPartSpec ConnectorSpec ConverterRunner Credentials CredentialsDataBasic CredentialsDataLab CredentialsDataOther CredentialsDataS3 CredentialsParam CredentialsType CurrentUserService Dashboard DashboardType DataframeAggregatorHelper DataframeDataFilterHelper DataframeFilterHelper DataFrameRField DataframeScalerHelper datetime DateTimeUTC DbConfig DictRField DictValidator DispatchedMessage DynamicInputs DynamicOutputs EntityNavigator EntityNavigatorService EntityTag EntityType Enum ExceptionHandler ExceptionResponse ExpressionBuilder ExternalApiService FileDownloader FileHelper FileRField FloatParam FloatRField FloatValidator ForbiddenException FrontService FrontTheme FSNodeModel FsNodeService GwsCorePackages GWSException GzipCompress HeatmapView HistogramView ImageView InPort Inputs InputSpec InputSpecs InterfaceSpec IntParam IntRField IntValidator IO IOface Job JsonCodeParam JSONField JSONView JuliaCodeParam KVStore LazyViewParam LinePlot2DView ListParam ListRField ListValidator Logger MailService MambaShellProxy MessageDispatcher MessageLevel MessageObserver Model ModelService Monitor MonitorService MultiViews NetworkView Note Notebook NoteParam NoteSearchBuilder NoteService NoteTemplate NoteTemplateParam NoteTemplateService NotFoundException NumericHelper NumericParam NumericValidator OpenAiChat OpenAiChatMessage OpenAiChatParam OpenAiHelper OutPort Outputs OutputSpec OutputSpecs PackageHelper Paginator ParamSet ParamSpec PerlCodeParam PipShellProxy PlotlyRField PlotlyView PoolDb Port PrimitiveRField Process ProcessFactory ProcessModel ProcessProxy ProcessSpec ProgressBar ProgressBarMessageObserver ProgressBarService ProtocolModel ProtocolProxy ProtocolService ProtocolTyping PythonCodeParam Queue QueueService RCodeParam Requests ResourceDownloaderBase ResourceModel ResourceOrigin ResourceRField ResourceSearchBuilder ResourceService ResourceTransfertService ResourceTyping RField RichText RichTextBlock RichTextBlockModificationDTO RichTextBlockModificationWithUserDTO RichTextBlockType RichTextDTO RichTextFigureData RichTextFileData RichTextFormulaData RichTextListData RichTextListItem RichTextModificationDifferenceDTO RichTextModificationsDTO RichTextModificationType RichTextNoteResourceViewData RichTextObjectType RichTextParagraphData RichTextParagraphHeaderData RichTextParagraphHeaderLevel RichTextParagraphListData RichTextParagraphListItemData RichTextParagraphText RichTextResourceViewData RichTextTimestampData RichTextUserDTO RichTextVariableData RichTextView RichTextViewFileData S3Bucket ScatterPlot2DView Scenario ScenarioCreationType ScenarioProcessStatus ScenarioProxy ScenarioRunService ScenarioSaveDTO ScenarioSearchBuilder ScenarioService ScenarioStatus ScenarioTemplate ScenarioTemplateFactory ScenarioTransfertService SearchBuilder SerializableObjectJson SerializableRField Settings ShellProxy SimpleTextView SpaceFolder SqlMigrator StackedBarPlotView StreamlitApp StreamlitAppManager StreamlitProcess StringHelper StrParam StrRField StrValidator SysProc TableAnnotatorHelper TableColumnSelector TableColumnTagToRowExtractor TableColumnTagUnfolder TableConcatHelper TableHeaderInfo TableOperationHelper TableRowSelector TableRowTagToColumnExtractor TableRowTagUnfolder TableScalerHelper TableTagAggregatorHelper TableUnfolderHelper TableView TabularView Tag TagHelper TagKeyModel TagService TagsParam TagValueModel TarCompress TarGzCompress TaskFileDownloader TaskHelper TaskInputs TaskModel TaskProxy TaskRunner TaskService TaskTyping TechnicalInfo TextParam TextView TextViewData Typing TypingDeprecated TypingIconColor TypingIconType TypingManager TypingStyle UnauthorizedException URLValidator User UserCredentialsDTO UserGroup UserService Utils UUIDRField Validator VennDiagramView Version View ViewTester ViewType YamlCodeParam ZipCompress


RField, these fields must be used in resource attribute. When a class attribute is instantiated with an RField, it will be automatically save for output resource of a task and automatically initiated for input resource of a task

This field support a deserializer and serializer function to implement custom logic for saving and instantiating a resource

include_in_dict_view: boolsearchable: bool


               Only small amount of data can be mark as searchable, defaults to False
                 It is also possible to extend the RField class and override the deserialization method
                It is also possible to extend the RField class and override the serialization method
                  Support primitive value, Type of Callable function
                  If type or callable, it will be called without parameter to initialise the default value, defaults to None
                  Do not mark huge fields as include in dict view, defaults to False
NameTypeDefault valueDescription
searchablebool False If true, the field value is saved in the db and could be search on a request , optional
deserializerCallable Optional function that will be called manually deserialize the rfield value, defaults to none [[any], any], optional
serializerCallable Optional function that will be called to manually serialize the rfield value, defaults to none [[any], any], optional
default_valueUnion Default value of the resource attribute [type, callable[[], any], int, float, str, bool], optional
include_in_dict_viewbool False If true, this field we be included in the default dict view , optional

Method to deserialize the r_field_value, can be overriden by a child class

NameTypeDefault valueDescription
r_field_valueAny Value of the r_field
Return type:
Return type:

Method to serialize the r_field_value, can be overriden by a child class

NameTypeDefault valueDescription
r_field_valueAny Value of the r_field
Return type: