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Table row tag unfolder

Typing name :  TASK.gws_core.TableRowTagUnfold Brick :  gws_core

Unfold table rows based on tags

Transformer to unfold table rows based on provided tags.

For each columns, the transformer will unfold the rows based on the provided tags. This means that the unfolder will create a new column for each tags combinaison.

The generated column names are the concatenation of the orginial column name along with tag values.

This task copies the orignial columns tags to the result columns.


Let's say you have the following table, the column row_tags does not really exist in the table, it is just to show the tags of the rows

row_tags A B
Gender : M
Age : 10
1 5
Gender : F
Age : 10
2 6
Gender : F
Age : 10
3 7
Gender : M
Age : 20
4 8

Unfold with 1 tag

Here is the result if you unfold by the tag Gender

1 5 2 6
4 8 3 7

If 1 tag key is provided, for each column it will create a new column for each tag values (here M and F) and fill this column with the base original values that are tagged with the value.

The orginial column name is changed (from A to 'A_M in this example) but a new tag is add to each column containing the orignial column name. The key of the tag is configurable with the Tag key column name params (default to column_name) and the value is the orinal column name. For the column A_M that new tag will be column_name:A

Unfold with multiple tags

Here is the result if you unfold by the tags Gender and Age

A_M_10 B_M_10 A_M_20 B_M_20 A_F_10 B_F_10
1 5 4 8 2 6
3 7

If multiple tag keys are provided, it will create a new column for each tag values combination (here M-10, M-20, F-10 and F-20) and fill this column with the original column values that are tagged with combination of tag values.


2d excel like table


2d excel like table



Row tag keys to use for data unfolding

Type : list



Type : ListMaximum occurrences number : -1


Searched text or pattern (i.e. regular expression)

Type : string



True to use regular expression, False otherwise

Type : bool


OptionalAdvanced parameter

Name for the column tag key that receives the column name as value

Type : stringDefault value : column_name