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This page lists the updates for gws_core and explains how to update multiple versions.

When you need to update multiple versions of gws_core, you must stop at certain versions to run the migration scripts smoothly.

We recommend not updating multiple major or minor versions at once. In version 1.2.0, the major version is 1, and the minor version is 2. So, if you want to go from version 1.2.0 to 1.4.0, we suggest doing it in at least two steps, including version 1.3.0 in between.

Sometimes it is required to stop in between minor version. Here are the main versions where you need to stop during the update process. This will require restarting your lab multiple times.

  • 0.11.0
    • 0.10.0
      • 0.8.0
        • 0.7.5
          • 0.7.3
            • 0.7.1