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Introduction Version

News in 0.3.16

New resource page to show more information

  • In the left section you will see the available views (the views are opened in a new tab as before). The “Default view” button allows you to quickly display the default view.
    • There are 4 new blocks to get access to information about the resource:
      • Resource: technical information about the resource
        • History of views: list of views that where previously generated for this resource (click on a view line to open it in a new tab)
          • Experiments that use the resource: list of the experiments that uses this resource as input
            • Reports that use the resource: list of the report that include a view from this resource

            A new ViewBox page

            Multiple actions are possible for the views to organize them:

            • The title can be updated
              • Views can be tags like other objects
                • Views can be flagged. A flagged view is considered as “important” and by default only flagged views are visible in the ViewBox. To list all views, click on the checkbox “Include not flagged views”

                  Note: the flag functionality is also available at the resource level